If you’ve been paying attention at all you’ve heard about the great resignation. Millions of people are quitting their jobs. But why and how can you leverage this national movement?

This past week I read an article on Google News originally published by INC Magazine with the top 5 reasons why people are quitting. https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/great-resignation-mit-revelio-research.html

In short, they are:

  1. Toxic Culture
    1. Job Insecurity
    1. High Levels of Innovation
    1. Failure to recognize performance
    1. Poor Response to Covid.

It could be argued that all of the above are subsets of poor leadership. We’ll let you all post comments about that if you have some insights.

My question is, “How can you leverage this to hire better sales staff?”

  1. Sales Managers must be better at Coaching, Motivating, Growing the team and holding everyone accountable to higher performance.  A players won’t work for B Managers!
  2. Insecurity is brought on by poor Alignment of Sales Strategies. This translates to inconsistent direction, miss communication, flip flopping of priorities and inability to keep everyone marching to the beat of the same drum.
  3. Innovation is awesome as long as the juice is worth the squeeze. When innovation is just for innovation but brings no value to your people, it’s hogwash! How much BS can one person take just to please ‘the system’. Innovation starts with people or it doesn’t last. It’s a shiny object that distracts attention form the fundamentals.
  4. Ignoring performance good or bad is terrible. People need feedback. They need to feel important. They need a feeling of belonging.
  5. Respect for all is required.

Incorporate the above 1-5 in your ads, to attract candidates. Incorporate 1-5 in your interview process. Incorporate 1-5 in your onboarding. Want help? Let’s talk!

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Author: Rocky LaGrone

Rocky LaGrone is a seasoned sales development expert with over 25 years in sales development and training working with well over 1,000 companies of all sizes in various industries.

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